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Bocas Del Toro

Bocas del Toro offer the visitor a great diversity of attractions and natural environments, hard to see in other regions of our continent: luxurious rain forests with aboundant fauna and flora, sunny islands, beaches that compete with the Caribbean best, coral reefs in crystal clear water, mangrove islets in a lake-like scenery, ngobe and naso indian villages and a Biosfera Reserve that protects samples of the ecosystems and natural resources existing within the province boundaries, as a tribute to our future generations.

Tourism in the Bocas del Toro Islands is true ecotourism. It will satisfy the visitor looking for special spots, ecosystems or species

To whom are looking to practice some kind of activity we offer a wide diversity of water sports, jungle adventures and much more. Scuba diving, snorkelling, surfing, water skying, are only a few of the first mentionned, and Bocas del Toro as an archipelago is a big site to do it: coral reefs are everywhere, surfing beaches we have a dozen.

Talking about adventures, treking is a trend for people that wants to be in fit and, at the same time, do something fun. We have trails for all ages and interests, from the very difficult trail between Bahía Honda and the lagoon in the Marine Park to the easy walk of Red Frog or Zapatillas Cays trails.

Add something else to this attractions: Bocas del Toro is a mix of cultures, so, anywhere, you will find expressions of a wide diversity of races: ngobe indian communities offering beautiful handicrafts, afroantillean traditions that are expressed through meals and festivals, old spanish dances from the conquest time, modern caribbean music, all of this in one place.